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martes, julio 23, 2024

The Fast of duel 🖤 17 of tamuz


By Cielo Yazmin Arteaga 🪷 The Lotus. Serva in Community  Torah es Vivir WhatsApp: + 053 750 4432
🤍 I wish that on this EAST Day our heart may be Purified and the Sanctuary in us restored. May there come times of Refrigeration for our souls and for our families. (Salmo 51:10) 
"Create in me, O HASHEM, a clean heart, and renew a upright spirit within me. Don't make me out of front of you. And a noble spirit sustain me." 
Raise up your house, your glorious sanctuary in me. Amén 
Beloved Community and Bride of the Risen Lamb. From today Tuesday 23 July from the dawn, it is the EAST ️of the 17th of tamuz. This day starts the three weeks until 9 Av. They are days of sadness, where you are not used to listening to music, nor to make weddings. These days are not suitable for doing business or carrying out projects, as there is not much luck for the Jewish People.
This negative period begins on the 17th of tamuz.
The jajamin explain that during this date 5 mainly negative aspects have been presented:
* Mosheh who had ascended to heaven to bring the tables of the Torah, found the people of Israel dancing with the golden calf. He broke the two tables and the writing that HaShem had shaped on them was withdrawn. Only the mitzvá of 'Zajor et | HaShabat' (Remember the day of Shabat) remained. * The Cohanim (Priests) performed the 'Tamid' (daily service) in the morning and in the evening. * Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, besieged the Jews in Jerushalayim for a year and a half. It didn't allow the entry of food, nor water. It was during the time of the Second Temple. When he entered after this period he killed a lot of people * A Roman king named Apostles, burned a Sefer (Roll) of the Torah * The king committed idolatry, putting great images in the temple of Jerusalem. 

All these acts are considered Jilul HaShem (profanation of the name) 

In the absence of the Temple, HaShem’s power diminished on the earth.

The Yajamin explain that the two temples of Jerushalayim have been destroyed for different reasons. The first, because of the massacres that took place, sexual immorality and idolatry. In the second, there was the Torah, but it was destroyed because of 'Sinat Jinam' ('free hatred'). There was no love among the Jews. 
The Mekubalim explain that the third Temple of Jerushalayim will descend from heaven with free love and respect. 
Some Jews believe that before this happens, Pinjas (Eliyahu HaNaví) will come to indicate the date of the arrival of the Mashiah Ben David and that of the construction of the third Temple. For the merits of Pinjas, let this happen promptly. And end this war very soon!
Particularly I remember that Scripture says that neither angels nor Nobody knows the day nor the hour when the Mashiaj returns and if it says that Nobody is because nobody is Nobody. He says that only the Heavenly Father knows. Because otherwise, evil forces would be exploited to create more chaos than predicted. By forgetting this observation or little detail many have fallen into shame by prophesying wrong dates and damaging the faith of some who do not believe in the Living Torah: Al Mashiaj that has already come and the indications that he left and were written. Comments from Cielo Yazmin Arteaga 🪷 The Lotus.

Ken Yehí Ratzon
Some Information data taken with the permission of Rabbi David Amar. 
Shalom for Those who need to contact to send requests to the kotel, counselor, conversion, Hebrew courses, Volunteering in Israel ARMY IDF, travel advisory to holy land, etc., please call in office hours by Telegram or WhatsApp: + 053 7504432 The Lotus 🪷 Cielo Yazmin Arteaga. Serving in the Torah Community is Living in Jerusalem Israel 🤍 Preparing for YESHUA TO COME RIGHT! 
Thank you very much! For your financial support and for your active participation in your Kehilah Virtual. We are already 200 Subscribers on our channel @torahesvivir on Youtube |️ HalleluYah! KOLHAKAVOD! TO HASHEM THE KADOSH OF ISRAEL All Glory!
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domingo, noviembre 22, 2015

Oración del Remedio Perfecto

La Rectificación: El Remedio Perfecto
Rezos y Fonética del Tikún Haklalí

Resultado de imagen para REMEDIO EFICAZ
Los Diez Salmos que componen el Tikún Haklalí
Son los capítulos: 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105,137,150

Los Salmos son cánticos y alabanzas de un gran poder, y que mejor que el idioma original (Hebreo) en que fueron escritas, el REY DAVID TENIA UNA UNCIÓN ESPECIAL PARA A TRAVÉS DE LA MÚSICA HACER HUIR A LOS MALOS ESPÍRITUS. Podemos  lograr la sanidad del alma y del cuerpo  a través de la fe en El Creador, al recitar estos salmos.


El maestro jasídico Rabi Najman de Breslov (1772-1810) identificó diez salmos como poseedores de un poder especial para obtener una verdadera y completa curación: Refuat HaGuf (curación del cuerpo) y Refuat HaNefesh (curación del espíritu). Rabi Najman llamó a estos diez salmos el Tikun HaKlali,
el Remedio Perfecto.

lunes, agosto 25, 2014

Que pensamos de los Judios??

 Si tenéis buena memoria, o conocéis la historia, o queréis verlo en las hemerotecas, podréis confirmar que cuando finalizó  la segunda guerra mundial y se empezaron las negociaciones para crear el Estado de Israel... (Alemania, Francia, Inglaterra, Usa) ....invitaron a los palestinos y ellos no consideraron importante ni conveniente asistir......y ahora se molestan y matan "porque se decidió sin contar con ellos.... ??

martes, julio 29, 2014

Alcanzando las Alturas (Julio 29)

“Bendijo Dios el séptimo día.”
(Génesis 2:3)

En la Biblia el número 7 es el símbolo de santidad.

―También profetizó Enoc, séptimo desde Adán.  (Judas 14) Cada séptimo año, la tierra tenía que permanecer inculta o baldía. Cuando pasaban siete veces siete años, los judíos tenían el año del Jubileo, en el cual toda la tierra vendida en este periodo volvía a su primer dueño. Los días de la creación fueron siete; siete de cada animal limpio fueron salvados del diluvio. En el Evangelio de Juan, Jesús (Yashua) dice quién es El en siete maneras. En la cruz El pronuncia siete palabras. El libro de Apocalipsis contiene cartas dirigidas a las siete iglesias.
